
Alla inlägg den 20 juni 2010

Av Twiiliight - 20 juni 2010 23:24

Heejheej alla :D

Nu ska jag säga god natt till bloggen. Idag har det inte varit så många inlägg men bra (tycker jag), 3 nya Eclipse TV Spot, Edward Cullens födelsedag och en ny stillbild på Bella och Jacob..KYSSAS! :D

Haha, imorgon kommer Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner till Hovet i Stockholm. Tyvärr kunde jag inte åka ditt :( Riktigt ledsen är jag, men jag hoppas en annan gång!!

Sov gott alla, vi ses imorgon kramar Twiiliight <3

Av Twiiliight - 20 juni 2010 17:45

Här är en ny Eclipse still bild med Jacob och Bella..när Jacob kysser Bella!!!! :D

OMJ!!!!!!!! :D


Av Twiiliight - 20 juni 2010 17:22

I dag är det inte en vanlig dag, för idag fyller karaktären Edward Cullen  år! Han föddes den 20 juni 1901, men förblir forever 17 men närmar sig ändå 110. Stort Grattis :D !


Av Twiiliight - 20 juni 2010 14:41

Godmorgon alla..Här kommer jag med tre nya Eclipse TV Spot reklamer.

Epic, Protect you och State of Terror!

Vilken början till denna härliga söndag eftermiddag :D

Enjoy! :D

Av Twiiliight - 20 juni 2010 14:25

Kommer ni ihåg när jag skrev att fyra lyckliga Twiligthfansidor kommer få intervjua Stephenie Meyer? Här är vad de fyra fansidorna skrev om deras möte med Meyer! :D

Letters to Twilight

Letters to Twilight Gals

Two of my favorite bloggers in the world and super-friends from Twilight fandom Moon and UC from Letters to Twilight had the chance to go. I was thrilled to hear the news after finding my site wasn’t chosen. I knew their coverage would be much better than what I could do (now JayPat and LMCullen, they’d be the ones to go if we were picked and they’d nail it)! LTT girls haven’t had the chance for a full recap–but so far they say:

We interviewed Stephenie Meyer yesterday. No, scratch that- we hung out with Stephenie Meyer yesterday for four hours.
Yes. You heard that. FOUR HOURS. We have amazing photos (We’re pretty sure the photographer got some good ones of us stuffing strawberries in our faces & feeding each other grapes) and H-O-U-R-S of conversations to pour over.

UDPATE: TwiLex made a transcript of the livestream mentioned below, with some answers to questions, including:

  • Breaking Down: The parody version of Breaking Down that Stephenie wrote in her head as a release from stress: Stephenie just decided to write in her head a story where Charlie ends up as a meth addict, Bella accidentally kills Alice, Edward runs off in depression can’t stand Bella anymore, Bella settles down in the arms of Mike Newton who then leaves her and runs off with Eric Yorkie. Bella can’t take it anymore walks to the infamous cliff goes to commit suicide then decides she can’t do it turns back from the cliff trips over her own two feet, trips, hits her head on a rock and dies.


Stephenie Meyer

TwiFans, a fansite community, also had the chance to attend. So far, they’ve posted just the questions they asked during the four hour period, here’s a sampling:

  • What rule did Bree actually break according to the Volturi? (Fan question credit to – jencwu)
  • When will The Official Twilight Guide be released?
  • What do you think about Fan Fiction?
  • How do you feel about creating a fictional character all men are measured against?

Twilight Source

Twilight source is live streaming right now about their interview!

Twilight Series Theories was included as well, but I haven’t seen any updates on their pages quite yet!

UPDATE: Partial Transcript of Twilight Source stream:

  • Midnight Sun: Is not off the table. It won’t be her next project, but she has not cancelled it. She needs it to be the thing she is the most excited about to write it effectively or it won’t be good.
  • It was a 4.5 hour interview very laid back atmosphere, they discussed everything.
  •  Bree Tanner:
  • Freaky Fred: In his human life was that he was very introverted nerdy human science type very intelligent who observed everyone who kept his distance from people by always avoiding eye contact. That translated into his vampire repulsion technique no one wants to watch or see him. He still retains his intelligence and inquisitiveness.
  • Don’t watch: the line was to both Bree and to Bella in equal measure.
  • Riley: Stephenie’s attitude/view of Riley had changed. People lost sympathy for Riley and she did too when writing it.
  • Diego made Riley assist in the actual killing of Diego.
  • Victoria enjoyed making Riley do it.
  • Riley did try to save Diego but Victoria wouldn’t show mercy.
  • The fact that Riley cared for Diego made Victoria want to hurt Diego more and after Riley helps in his death he totally lost every good part of himself. embraced the dark side in a sense.
  • Stephenie hated killing Bree.
  • Bree and Diego as humans were strong minded as humans that prevents them from being totally animalistic as vampires
  • She always knew the Volturi had visited Victoria. The fact that Victoria is now forced into a decision is why Alice can suddenly see what is happening.
  • Jane acts without Aro’s direct knowledge. Aro sends her and the team to North America with Aro’s blessing to act as Jane sees fit. Jane would actually have liked to kill Alice too because she knows that Alice would be Aro’s bigger prize than her if Aro ever got her in Italy permanently. She would be higher ranked than Jane and Jane actually hates Alice more than Bella. However Jane realized that Aro would kill Jane if Alice died at her hands or inaction, so Jane has no choice in the end.
  • Edward didn’t tell anyone that he read Bree’s thoughts because any info Edward got was not going to change anything. It wouldn’t make anything better at that point. Bella was also still human and he didn’t want to risk a human Bella by saying anything.
  • Breaking Down: The parody version of Breaking Down that Stephenie wrote in her head as a release from stress.
  • Stephenie just decided to write in her head a story where Charlie ends up as a meth addict, Bella accidentally kills Alice, Edward runs off in depression can’t stand Bella anymore, Bella settles down in the arms of Mike Newton who then leaves her and runs off with Eric Yorkie. Bella can’t take it anymore walks to the infamous cliff goes to commit suicide then decides she can’t do it turns back from the cliff trips over her own two feet, trips, hits her head on a rock and dies.
    • Other novellas
      • Nothing immediately in the works, but didn’t discount idea totally
      • If she were to continue she would write series from Rensemee’s and Leah’s points of view
    • Downside of fame
      • No chance in interviews anymore to really in depth character questions because bigger media glosses over the little stuff all the fans want to know. In other words the interview that all focus on the dream, etc.
    • Themes
      • Stephenie doesn’t feel that Twilight is out there to have a message or theme and that everyone should choose as the characters do. It’s the choice that they made in their circumstances. She didn’t write it to have a specific theme or message, but if she had to pick something there is an over arching theme of choice and what the pros and cons of any given choice are. But that’s not to say the books are an allegory on choice.
    Av Twiiliight - 20 juni 2010 14:11

    Här är en bra intervju med Eclipse regissören David Slade. Han blev intervjuade när han signerade böcker för fans på Dark Delicacies i Burbank!

    Av Twiiliight - 20 juni 2010 14:08


    Av Twiiliight - 20 juni 2010 14:06

    His voice was like melting honey. I could imagine how much more overwhelming his eyes would be.

    - Bella Swan




    Vilken Twilight-film var bäst
     New Moon
     Breaking Dawn del 1
     Breaking Dawn del 2
     Både Breaking Dawn delarna
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