
Alla inlägg den 2 november 2009

Av Twiiliight - 2 november 2009 21:20

Ashley Greene..vacker som en fallande stjärna..här har du video&bilder...enjoy :)


Av Twiiliight - 2 november 2009 21:14

Flera snygga bilder på Robert Pattison...håller ni med??

"En ängel har skapas bland oss"



Av Twiiliight - 2 november 2009 21:12

Bilder på Alex Meraz, Chaske Spencer&Edi Gathegi..:D


Av Twiiliight - 2 november 2009 19:19

Heej alla, nu måste jag plugga, så jag hoppas att ni alla gillar inläggen som jag har lagt in ens så länge, men det kommer mer sedan (efter pluggningen).

Om ni har frågor kan ni mejla mig på :

Av Twiiliight - 2 november 2009 19:14

Rachelle är absolut inte lik Victoria i New Moon - nu när jag såg denna videon vill jag adoptera en av dessa hundarna, kanske Johnny :)

Titta på denna videon och berätta för mig om du har lden lusten att adoptera dessa hundarna :)

Av Twiiliight - 2 november 2009 19:11

Robert Pattinson i Japan......ett ord är allt som behövs för dessa två bilderna : SNYGGING!!


Av Twiiliight - 2 november 2009 18:34


Intervju del 2 med Julia Jones (aka Leah Clearwater)

(blir på engelska denna gång)

LimeLife: Julia, we can only imagine how having a part in the Twilight film franchise could change an actor’s path, both professionally and personally. Is that true?

Julia Jones: I joke it’s like the answer to the question, “How has Twilight changed your life?” and I like to say that, well, I wear a lot more plaid now and I listen to much better music…because it’s very true! But just the opportunities that come after being involved in a project like this – there are many more of them, and they’re great ones also. So that’s the biggest way.

LimeLife: Have you read the Twilight books at this point?

Julia Jones: I read the books when I got cast. I read them all in two weeks, I think partly because it was a place to put my head! (Laughs.) There was so much going on around me and I just wanted to sort of check out, so I just got lost in these books. It was great.

LimeLife: That’s where all your energy was, huh?

Julia Jones: Yeah. This was a really big leap for my career. It wasn’t like I’ve had other franchises in my past or other big blockbusters at all. This was a really big leap, so it could feel so overwhelming sometimes in the very beginning and just to have a place to put my head that was grounded, and something that I had control over…it was a release. By reading the books I felt like I was doing something that would help me do my job, and that was a relaxing feeling.

LimeLife: Have you been affected yet by any of the Twilight craze? Are you being followed, or has your private life been affected at all?

Julia Jones: Being in Vancouver affected me every day because you’re sort of in the middle of it while you’re there. But since I’ve been back in Los Angeles, I’ve just been busier. It hasn’t affected my personal life so much. My friends fortunately have just been amazing. I’ve heard stories of people who’ve said, “Everybody around me is changing,” and all of that, and I haven’t experienced any of that whatsoever, my friends have just been so supportive.

I’m incredibly grateful. My best friends for the most part are my best friends from high school and not one of them is in the entertainment industry and they’re just like, “She got a really good job.” Which is exactly what it should be – it’s a really good job.

Av Twiiliight - 2 november 2009 18:30


Limelife har intervjuat Kristen, då frågade dom om hon var Team Jacob eller Team Edward svarade hon: "Okey, Jag är Team Edward, jag är ledsen Jacob fans men det blir Edward, dom är menade tillsammans."

Kristen Prout spelar Lucy i Eclipse.Hon äe väldig glad över att vara en vampyr i Eclipse, hon sa så här: " Det är en bra förändring för att en lång tid har jag varit girl-next-door."

Så här säger hon om sin karaktär (Lucy): " Karaktären är väldigt jagande och det fantastiska med att spela en vampyr är att du är en jagare och du lurar ditt byte och sedan vänder du dig på den".

Kristen tycker att hon blev vald till rollen eftersom hon är så blek.




Vilken Twilight-film var bäst
 New Moon
 Breaking Dawn del 1
 Breaking Dawn del 2
 Både Breaking Dawn delarna
 Ingen av dem


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