
Alla inlägg den 8 november 2009

Av Twiiliight - 8 november 2009 23:16

Heej alla, jag hoppas att alla har haft en bra söndag, jag vet att jag har iallafall.

Hoppas att alla är nöjda med mina inlägg idag :)

Sov gott alla :)

En sööt bild :)


Av Twiiliight - 8 november 2009 22:58

Heej alla, jag har hört attEdi Gathegi som spelar Laurent i Twilight kommer till sverige den 5-6 decmber.

Det ska vara en mässa som heter "The Scandinavian Sci-Fi, Game & Film Convention".

Inträdet kostar 100kr/dag & 60 kr/dag (3-7 år).

Mässan kommer att vara 10-18 i Stockholm.

Om ni vill veta mer, kan ni trycka här

Mässan kommer att bestå av

* Skådespelare som finns på plats för att träffa fans och signera foton.

* Försäljning och demonstration av div. varor.

* Utställning av äkta filmrekvisita.


Åhh, jag skulle vilja träffa Laurent, jag menar kan tyvärr inte!!

Nästa gång får det väl bli.... :)


Av Twiiliight - 8 november 2009 21:38

Den söta Dakota Fannings nya foto.

Gud vad söta blåa ögon hon har :)

Enjoy :)


Av Twiiliight - 8 november 2009 21:20

Kristen Stewart och boxaren legenden "Sugar Ray Leonard" var på Dodgers Stadium i LA idag och var med i välgöranheten "Walk the cure diabetes".

Kristen Stewart är helt fantastisk asså,

hon har precis avslutat med Eclipse,

hon åker jorden runt för att promota New Moon,

och nu detta,det är helt fantastisk.

Bilder från en tidig morgon på denna söndag,


Av Twiiliight - 8 november 2009 20:39

Q. What was your favorite scene to film in ‘New Moon’?

Jackson: I’ve got to say my favorite scene to film was in the trailer and you got to see a glimpse of it. And that wasn’t even quite the entire scene so hopefully you know, people are still going to be surprised by the scene of the birthday party whenever. In my mind it’s kind of the catalyst for the entire idea of ‘New Moon’, and the Cullens kind of getting out of Dodge, if you excuse my tongue there. It’s kind of the idea that you know, finally Bella is really having to face the idea of what it is to be in a relationship with a vampire and the downside of it you know, what happens when you get something as simple as a paper cut and how that can screw everything up. And suddenly the Cullens are gone and we take off in order to protect Bella and it’s one of those things where she doesn’t really feel protected, she feels abandoned, but luckily she’s got her good friend, Jacob Black, who starts to become a little bit more than just a good friend. You see that whole side of things, the wolf boys.


Av Twiiliight - 8 november 2009 17:43

Heej alla, jag har hittat en intervju med Robert Pattinson, och eftersom den är rätt så lång tog jag bara med några frågor/svar..

Hoppas att ni gillar den, det gör jag :)


Question: What’s this last year been like for you? You came in with the first movie as a new face and it’s now a phenomenon. Are you more comfortable with it now, a year later?

Pattinson: I guess it’s inevitable that you become more comfortable. You’re still fighting against some things. The franchise itself, there’s nothing really scary about it. I like the people that I work with. I generally have very few disagreements about the script or about anything when we’re doing it, especially on ‘New Moon’. It just seemed so relaxed and easy.

Question: Can you talk about the scene where you breakup with Bella, how it was to do that?

Pattinson: It’s a strange thing, something weird about it because one of the main things that I felt doing that, or what really helped was people’s anticipation of the movie and people’s, I guess fans of the series idea about what Edward and Bella’s relationship is and what it represents to them as some kind of ideal for a relationship. So just playing a scene where you’re breaking up the ideal relationship, I mean you feel or I felt a lot of the weight behind that. Also, it took away your fear of melodrama as well because it felt seismic if that’s the right word. Even when we were doing it, it was very much like the stepping out into the sunlight scene at the end. You could really feel the audience watching as you’re doing it. So it was a strange one, doing that.

Question: A fight between Edward and Jacob, who wins and the same with you and Taylor [Lautner]?

Pattinson: [laughs] I don’t know. I did hear the other day that Taylor had agreed to an interview where the interviewer was going to fight him. I don’t think that I’d ever agree to that and also looking at Taylor’s martial arts videos from when he was like nine I really wouldn’t want to do anything. Maybe if I had some kind of weapon. Edward and Jacob? I don’t know. I think it’s actually a fact that Edward would win. I think. If I’ve read the books correctly. So I guess I can hold onto that for my ego.

Question: What personality traits do you share with Edward?

Pattinson: I guess stubbornness in some ways about some things. I guess he’s pretty self-righteous. I guess I am. I guess I get quite obsessive about things and possessive as well, I think. I don’t know.

Question: Do you appreciate Edward more with each movie and what are your favorite parts about him?

Pattinson: It’s funny about ‘New Moon’. When I read ‘New Moon’ it gave me ideas about how to play the first one and it’s the one that I connected to the most and the one that humanized Edward the most for me as well. In the first one he still does remain from beginning to end an idealistic character but in the second one he makes a mistake that’s acknowledged by everybody including himself. Also he’s totally undermined by more powerful creatures and he’s undermined emotionally by people as well. I think that’s what humanized it. Since I’ve read that book I’ve always kind of liked him as a character. I try to play that same feeling throughout the first one and after the third one, as well, trying to get some kind of element of an all powerful person or almost all powerful person, the kind of hero of a story who just refuses to accept that he’s the hero. I think there’s something admirable there. I don’t know if I really made any sense.

Question: Have you ever had your heartbroken like Edward when he left Bella?

Pattinson: I’m just trying to think of a really stupid answer and I can’t think of one [laughs]. No, I don’t think so.

Question: What’s the weirdest or funniest thing you’ve ever read about yourself, and how do you maintain a balance with letting fans know who are and keeping your private life private?

Pattinson: The weirdest was something recently, some magazine had on the cover that I was pregnant. I was like, ‘Wow,’ but it was without a hint of irony or anything. I didn’t really know what to make of that one. I don’t know if that even qualifies as libelous because they can just say, ‘Well, it’s obviously fiction,’ but it’s printed in a non-fiction magazine.

Question: Was it a big shock to have Bryce Dallas Howard on the set of ‘Eclipse’ instead of Rachelle Lefevre?

Pattinson: Yeah, it was a shock but she’s lovely. She’s really, really nice.

Om du vill läsa hela intervjun tryck här


Av Twiiliight - 8 november 2009 17:34

Intervju med Stephenie Meyer (författaren), , Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen), Dakota Fanning (Jane),Michael Sheen (Aro) och Chris Weitz (Regissören)

Av Twiiliight - 8 november 2009 17:30

New Moon nyheter:

Dakota Fanning älskar att spela ond. New Moon varg-packen tatueringar kanske blir riktiga för några av skådisarna. Och Micheal Sheen som spelar Aro önskar att han talanger.

  • När man frågar vilken superkrafter skulleMichaek Sheen skulle vilja ha, svarar han: "Jag skulle vilja ha kraften att alltid se ut som jag är tre centimeter till höger av var jag står. Jag har den kraften".
  • Dakota Fanning älskar att vara en ond liten vampyr av Volturi-clanen i New Moon. "Högpunkten att spela Jane var att få dräkten, och dom röda linserna. Jag var väldigt ivvrig om det, och att spela en ond karaktär".
  • Dakota är också besatt av barn namn, "med vad folk döper sitt barn till, som "friends", "anybody". Jag känner många av folks bäbis namn, Jag har plannerat mina barns namn sens jag var fyra år."
  • Dom fyra skådispelarna som är medlemmar i varg-packen diskuterar om att skaffa riktiga varg-pack tatueringar efter premiären av "Twilight saga New Moon". Men Taylor Lautner? " Jag vet inte", säger han- "Jag måste tänka på det";jag måste diskutera det med min pakt"
  • Varg-packen avslöjar också att Lautners gömda talang: "Han tog oss till en bowlinghall, under filmningen i Kanada" säger en av vargarna, "Han är en fantastisk bowlare".
  • Och för Pattz, han boxas på sin fritid, avslöjar Lautner.
  • Kändisskapet tar fram galenhetet i folk. Här är en historia som Kristen Stewart delade med sig i sin senaste promota resan till Södra Amerika. Pattz var i Japan under tiden. "Denna killen jagade oss..denna killen var liksom, "Var är Hobart? Var är Hobart?". Och han var jobbig och oförklarig, och jag sa till honom, "det är Robert!".





Vilken Twilight-film var bäst
 New Moon
 Breaking Dawn del 1
 Breaking Dawn del 2
 Både Breaking Dawn delarna
 Ingen av dem


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