
Alla inlägg under november 2009

Av Twiiliight - 25 november 2009 18:59

Vet ni vad jag har gjort idag..?

Först så var jag i skolan, inte så mycket som hände. Och sedan kom jag hem, jag var lite sugen på att baka. Så jag bakade smulpaj med bär :) Den blev jättegod :)

Och sen pluggade jag till mitt prov som jag har imorgon, vilket är tråkigt - plugga!

Men nu så ska jag fortsätta med plugget.

Ha det bra så länge :)

Av Twiiliight - 25 november 2009 18:42

Vet ni vem som fyller år idag ??

Billy Burke!

Idag fyller han 43 år.

Stort Grattis till dig :)

Billy Burke spelar Bellas pappa Charlie Swan i Twilight saga. Han är polischefen - till er som inte visste det :)


Av Twiiliight - 25 november 2009 18:28

Den lyckliga paret, Peter Facinelli och Jennifer Garth är på omslaget av People extra, december nummret.

Bilder på deras 3 barn, så söta dom är:)




Av Twiiliight - 25 november 2009 18:15

Den söta Ashley Greene (aka Alice) omslags flickan på Maxim tidningen.

Om ni vill se fler bilder på Ashley från Maxim, kan ni trycka här


Av Twiiliight - 25 november 2009 18:09

3 nya omslag på Robert Pattinson (Team Edward), Kristen Stewart (Team Bella) & Taylor Lautner (Team Jacob), från Entertaiment weekly :)

Jga älskar Kristens bild..


Av Twiiliight - 25 november 2009 17:58

Kellan Lutz som spelar Emmett Cullen hoppas på ett samtal som kommer bekräfta Twilight saga: Breaking Dawn, som är den fjärde boken, och hoppas inte den sista :)

Ett kort klipp på Kellan som berättar om Breaking Dawn samtalet.

Av Twiiliight - 25 november 2009 17:53

Regissören av New Moon Chris Weitz har en ny intervju. Han pratar om New Moon, och fansen. Han pratar också om Taylors bästa scen :)


What was your biggest fear going into [opening] weekend?
I didn’t have any particular fears. The tracking numbers were enough to indicate that I wouldn’t be letting the studio down. But if one could imagine their biggest fears, it would be complete rejection of the movie, by the fans. What I’ve realized over the last week is I won’t necessarily get good reviews for this movie. Having swallowed that, this was made for the fans, and if you don’t get it, then you don’t get it.

Did the negative reviews surprise you?
Nothing surprises me in terms of reviews. Having been a reviewer myself, there are only two ways to spin this story. You can either be the one guy who says this is a great movie, or more likely, take a more jaundiced view of the whole thing. And given the media blitz that has accompanied New Moon, it’s rather unsurprising. I do wish there was more appreciation for cinematographer Javier Aguirresarobe. I think he’s a genius and I think he made something beautiful.

A lot of fans say they like the movie more than the book, that New Moon was their least favorite book in the series.
New Moon takes a lot of time to read and you have a lot of time without Edward in the picture. And here in the compressed scenario of the movie, there is less time without RPatz. And the fact that Taylor [Lautner] does such a great job, to the reading audience who’s been very skeptical of him, here he is in the flesh, and it’s quite something.

What do you think is Taylor’s best scene?
When he jumps into Bella’s room. There is so much pathos there even though it’s melodrama, there’s something touching about it. Or maybe the last moment he has, just when he says Bella’s name. You sort of understand just how crushed he is at that moment. There are a few times where he’s absolutely that guy and it’s really lovely. He’s that guy for the fans and that’s what I always thought he could do.

Do you think Kristen evolved as an actor in this movie?
I’m not sure she evolved as much as she had room to run. She’s a thoroughbred as far as actors go. To me, she can do know wrong. The experience of working with her and the caliber of work she was doing was pretty extraordinary. Let’s put aside girl in love with a vampire, her ability to manifest these emotions below the surface, above the surface just to get things right. She’s extraordinarily exacting of herself and in those moments where I was able to give her the room to do that are things I’m very proud of.  That’s a high point.

You made the movie you wanted to here?
Yes, pretty much. In terms of what I wanted to do with the gloss of the picture, the look of the picture, I’m very satisfied with it. And satisfied to touch back with the crew and the actors and to feel we made it under humane conditions as well. No actors were harmed in the making of this movie.

What about dealing with the paparazzi? Did you have any run-ins?
I did a bit of a Sean Penn at LAX. When we were leaving for the European tour. We had left from our L.A press junket to go to LAX and someone nearly ran us off the road trying to get to one of the cars. We were followed by eight different vans and there was some really dangerous driving. And I understood for the first time how things happened to Princess Diana (I don’t think I’m Princess Diana), and I understood for the first time why celebrities lash out and what’s that about. My first thought upon getting out of the car was, “Who was that driver of the car?” I never found him, but I did lift someone by the hood. A photographer. He was in my way. They have a legal right to be there but they don’t have an ethical right, and he was obstructing my path, and there was someone else I threatened to knock their teeth out. It’s not like me but I felt very protective at that moment and very attacked. There is a huge difference between the attention of the paparazzi and the attention of the fans. The fans have been lovely. The paparazzi in my opinion are a very low form of primate.

Av Twiiliight - 25 november 2009 17:36





Vilken Twilight-film var bäst
 New Moon
 Breaking Dawn del 1
 Breaking Dawn del 2
 Både Breaking Dawn delarna
 Ingen av dem


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